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Green Day Guitar Pro Tabs

Green Day tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Geek Stink Breath .gp3 1,760
Give Me Novacaine (Version 1) .gp4 2,731
Give Me Novacaine (Version 2) .gp3 1,754
Going to Pasalacqua .gp3 1,412
Good Riddance .gp3 4,971
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) .gp3 7,265
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) .gp4 23,596
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) (3) .gp3 3,113
Grouch (Version 1) .gp3 1,265
Grouch (Version 2) .gp3 603
Ha Ha You're Dead .gp4 1,201
Haushinka (Version 1) .gp4 575
Haushinka (Version 2) .gp5 507
Having A Blast (Version 1) .gp4 1,181
Having a Blast (Version 2) .gp4 574
Hitchin' a Ride (Version 1) .gp5 2,143
Hitchin' a Ride (Version 2) .gp5 830
Hitchin' a Ride (Version 3) .gp4 914
Hold On .gp3 1,068
Holiday (Version 1) .gp5 21,544
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