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Beatles Guitar Pro Tabs

Beatles tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Misery .gp3 1,860
Money .gp3 3,920
Mother Natures Son V1 .gp4 2,219
Mother Natures Son V2 .gp3 3,259
Mr Moonlight .gp3 1,778
My Sweet Lord .gp3 7,283
Norwegian Wood V1 .gp3 7,509
Norwegian Wood V2 .gp4 4,603
Norwegian Wood V3 .gp3 4,299
Norwegian Wood V4 .gp3 3,646
Not A Second Time .gp3 1,536
Nowhere Man V1 .gp3 3,799
Nowhere Man V2 .gp3 2,512
O Bla Di O Bla Da V1 .gp3 4,250
O Bla Di O Bla Da V2 .gp4 5,424
Octopuss Garden .gp3 3,693
Oh Darling .gp3 5,566
Old Brown Shoe .gp4 2,121
One After 909 .gp3 3,540
Paperback Writer .gp3 4,901
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