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Beatles Guitar Pro Tabs

Beatles tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Penny Lane V1 .gp3 4,230
Penny Lane V2 .gp3 2,844
Piggies .gp3 1,352
Please Mister Postman .gp3 3,000
Please Please Me V1 .gp3 2,600
Please Please Me V2 .gp3 1,963
Polythene Pam .gp3 1,624
Rain .gp4 2,994
Real Love .gp3 2,328
Revolution V1 .gp3 6,635
Revolution V2 .gp3 2,602
Revolution V3 .gp3 2,796
Rock And Roll Music .gp3 4,395
Rocky Raccoon .gp3 3,275
Roll Over Beethoven V1 .gp3 3,841
Roll Over Beethoven V2 .gp3 2,574
Run For Your Life .gp3 2,208
Savoy Truffle .gp3 1,438
Sexy Sadie .gp4 2,054
Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band V1 .gp4 3,961
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