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Beatles Guitar Pro Tabs

Beatles tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Lady Madonna V3 .gp3 2,310
Let It Be Solo .gp3 32,253
Let It Be V1 .gp3 16,364
Let It Be V2 .gp3 6,848
Let It Be V3 .gp4 7,835
Let It Be V4 .gp4 80,698
Long Long Long .gp3 1,582
Long Tall Sally .gp3 2,725
Love Me Do .gp3 7,045
Lovely Rita .gp3 2,164
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds V1 .gp3 6,792
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds V2 .gp4 2,353
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds V3 .gp3 2,339
Magical Mystery Tour .gp3 2,204
Martha My Dear V1 .gp4 2,088
Martha My Dear V2 .gp3 1,574
Match Box .gp3 1,285
Maxwells Silver Hammer .gp3 2,136
Michelle V1 .gp3 10,141
Michelle V2 .gp3 8,012
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