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Green Day Guitar Pro Tabs

Green Day tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Know Your Enemy (Version 2) .gp5 4,379
Last Night on Earth .gp5 8,152
Last of the American Girls (Version 1) .gp5 2,696
Last of the American Girls (Version 2) .gp5 2,453
Letterbomb (Version 1) .gp3 2,004
Letterbomb (Version 2) .gp4 1,381
Longview .gp3 13,611
Longview (2) .gp3 1,553
Macy's Day Parade .gp3 2,344
Maria (Version 1) .gp4 1,086
Maria (Version 2) .gp3 1,115
Minority .gp3 6,346
Minority (2) .gp3 1,369
Minority (3) .gp3 1,029
Minority (4) .gp3 1,187
Minority (5) .gp3 1,932
Misery .gp5 1,399
Murder City (Version 1) .gp5 2,633
Murder City (Version 2) .gp5 1,249
My Generation .gp5 1,625
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