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Green Day Guitar Pro Tabs

Green Day tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Scumbag (Version 1) .gp3 591
Scumbag (Version 2) .gp4 560
See the Light .gp5 1,321
She .gp4 5,360
She (2) .gp4 1,502
She's a Rebel (Version 1) .gp3 1,677
She's a Rebel (Version 2) .gp4 1,232
Simpsons Theme .gp3 4,489
St. Jimmy .gp4 3,040
Strangeland .gp5 651
Stuart And The Ave (Version 1) .gp4 992
Stuart And The Ave (Version 2) .gp3 639
Stuck With Me .gp3 1,301
Take Back .gp4 675
The Judge's Daughter .gp3 1,024
The Static Wave .gp5 815
Tight Wad Hill .gp5 581
Time Of Your Life .gp3 17,023
Uptight .gp3 1,148
Viva La Gloria (Version 1) .gp5 3,349
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