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Vai, Steve Guitar Pro Tabs

Vai, Steve tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
I Would Love To (2) .gp3 820
I Would Love To (solo 1) .gp3 941
In My Dreams With You .gp3 797
Jibboom .gp3 1,221
Juice .gp3 1,861
Juice (2) .gp4 935
Juice (Solo) .gp3 1,633
Kill The Guy With The Ball .gp3 854
Kill The Guy With The Ball The God Eaters .gp4 664
Liberty .gp3 1,262
Liberty (2) .gp3 701
Liberty (3) .gp3 892
Liberty (4) .gp3 1,303
Lucky Charms .gp3 542
Lucky Charms (2) .gp3 513
Massacre .gp4 604
Natural Born Boy .gp4 850
OOOO .gp3 694
Paganini 5th Caprice (Crossroads) .gp3 6,611
Pig .gp3 699
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