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Megadeth Guitar Pro Tabs

Megadeth tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
1000 Times Goodbye .gp3 2,644
1000 Times Goodbye (2) .gp3 1,405
502 .gp3 1,330
99 Ways To Die .gp3 3,174
99 Ways To Die (solo) .gp3 1,646
A Secret Place .gp3 3,108
A Secret Place (2) .gp4 2,412
A Tout Le Monde .gp3 15,166
A Tout Le Monde (2) .gp3 4,064
A Tout Le Monde (3) .gp4 4,281
A Tout Le Monde Solo .gp3 8,475
Addicted To Chaos .gp3 3,509
Addicted To Chaos (2) .gp4 1,793
Almost Honest .gp3 2,957
American Onanist (Rare Version) .gp3 1,583
Anarchy In The U.K. .gp3 3,370
Angry Again .gp3 6,386
Angry Again (2) .gp3 1,878
Angry Again (3) .gp3 1,925
Architecture Of Aggresion .gp3 1,806
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