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Deep Purple Guitar Pro Tabs

Deep Purple tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Flight of the rat .gp4 1,490
Fools .gp4 1,388
Fortune teller .gp5 1,597
Freedom .gp5 1,027
Gypsy's kiss .gp3 1,844
Hallelujah .gp4 5,030
Hard lovin' man .gp4 1,252
Hard lovin' woman .gp4 998
Haunted .gp4 1,273
Highway Star .gp3 22,627
Highway Star (2) .gp3 8,220
Highway Star (solo) .gp3 53,027
Highway Star (Solo) (2) .gp3 13,035
House of pain .gp4 984
Hush (old) .gp3 5,627
I need love .gp5 1,078
Into The Fire .gp3 2,875
Jam Stew (In Rock 25th Anniversary) .gp3 2,044
Kentucky Woman .gp3 2,371
King of dreams .gp5 1,608
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