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System Of A Down Guitar Pro Tabs

System Of A Down tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Mr. Jack (3) .gp3 596
Mr. Jack (4) .gp4 898
Needles .gp3 2,646
Needles (2) .gp3 650
Needles (3) .gp3 548
Needles (4) .gp3 596
Needles (5) .gp3 749
Needles (6) .gp3 663
Nuguns .gp3 939
Nuguns (2) .gp3 577
Nuguns (3) .gp3 507
P.L.U.C.K. .gp3 1,214
PeepHole .gp3 1,383
PeepHole (2) .gp3 664
Peephole (3) .gp3 569
Pictures .gp3 991
Pictures (2) .gp3 580
PLUCK .gp3 966
Prison Song .gp3 3,094
Prison Song (3) .gp3 1,076
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