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System Of A Down Guitar Pro Tabs

System Of A Down tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Chop Suey (7) .gp3 2,967
Chop Suey (live VMA Latin America) .gp4 5,651
Chop Suey! .gp3 1,724
Chop Suey! (2) .gp3 1,275
Chop Suey! (Live At VMA Latin America) .gp4 1,011
CUBert .gp3 966
Dam .gp4 819
Darts .gp3 1,026
Darts (2) .gp3 600
Darts (3) .gp3 566
Darts (4) .gp3 610
DDevil .gp3 1,108
DDevil (2) .gp3 701
Ddevil (3) .gp3 654
Deer Dance .gp3 2,958
Deer Dance (2) .gp3 979
Deer Dance (3) .gp3 626
Deer Dance (4) .gp3 800
Deerdance (2) .gp3 528
Drugs .gp3 907
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