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Metallica Guitar Pro Tabs

Metallica tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
The Strugle Within .gp3 2,719
The Strugle Within (2) .gp3 1,399
The Strugle Within (3) .gp4 1,504
The Thing That Should Not Be .gp3 6,045
The Thing That Should Not Be (2) .gp3 2,950
The Thorn Within .gp3 1,687
The Unforgiven .gp3 41,308
The Unforgiven (2) .gp3 12,191
The Unforgiven (3) .gp3 8,260
The Unforgiven (4) .gp3 3,413
The Unforgiven (5) .gp3 4,430
The Unforgiven (6) .gp3 2,837
The Unforgiven (7) .gp3 2,090
The Unforgiven (8) .gp3 3,815
The Unforgiven (Live Shit) .gp3 3,626
The Unforgiven II .gp3 15,828
The Unforgiven II (2) .gp3 7,483
The Unforgiven II (3) .gp3 3,484
The Unnamed Feeling .gp4 3,128
The Unnamed Feeling (2) .gp4 1,802
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