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Metallica Guitar Pro Tabs

Metallica tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
One (4) .gp3 3,517
One (5) .gp3 16,003
One (6) .gp3 3,596
One (7) .gp3 2,306
One (8) .gp3 4,508
One (arranged For One Guitar) .gp3 11,413
One (Paris) .gp3 3,087
One (s&m) .gp3 4,879
Orion .gp3 19,940
Orion (2) .gp3 6,477
Orion (3) .gp3 2,530
Orion (4) .gp3 6,092
Orion (5) .gp3 3,182
Orion (6) .gp4 21,969
Orion (7) .gp3 2,590
Orion (8) .gp3 3,546
Orion (bass Riff) .gp3 4,295
Outlaw Torn (Outro) .gp3 2,175
Overkill .gp3 2,751
Overkill (2) .gp3 1,828
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