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Led Zeppelin Guitar Pro Tabs

Led Zeppelin tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Communication Breakdown (3) .gp3 2,499
Communication Breakdown (4) .gp3 2,909
Communication Breakdown (Iron Maiden Version) .gp3 2,038
Comunication Breakdown .gp3 3,237
Custard Pie .gp3 4,322
Dancing Days .gp3 4,124
Dazed & Confused (Bass Completed) .gp3 4,092
Dazed And Confused .gp4 12,617
Dazed And Confused (TSRTS) .gp3 5,393
Down By The Seaside .gp4 3,427
For Your Life .gp3 2,986
Four Sticks .gp3 3,404
Friends .gp3 3,721
Gallows Pole .gp3 5,966
Gallows Pole (2) .gp3 2,529
Going To California .gp3 12,333
Going To California (2) .gp3 5,697
Good Times Bad Times .gp3 11,669
Good Times Bad Times (2) .gp3 3,634
Good Times, Bad Times .gp3 2,125
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