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Van Halen Guitar Pro Tabs

Van Halen tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
316 .gp3 3,066
5150 .gp4 4,081
A.F.U. (Naturally Wired) .gp4 2,025
Aftershock .gp4 2,005
Amsterdam .gp3 2,281
Amsterdam (2) .gp4 1,755
And The Cradle Will Rock .gp4 2,573
Atomic Punk .gp3 2,959
Atomic Punk (2) .gp3 1,853
Baluchiterium .gp4 1,655
Baluchitherium .gp3 2,164
Big Fat Money .gp4 1,564
Cabo Wabo .gp3 2,158
Cathedral .gp3 3,273
Could This Be Magic .gp3 2,193
Dance The Night Away .gp3 3,373
Dance The Night Away (2) .gp3 2,339
Dreams .gp3 3,789
Eddie Live Guitar Solo 1983 .gp3 3,643
Eruption .gp3 14,607
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