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Traditional Guitar Pro Tabs

Traditional tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Och Jungfrun Hon Gar I Dansen .gp3 585
Polka Russe .gp3 1,477
Scotland The Brave .gp3 1,999
Silent Night .gp3 5,946
Standard Acoustic Blues .gp3 3,961
The Wild Rover .gp4 2,337
Tico Tico .gp3 8,118
Two Guitars .gp3 1,976
Vom Pastor Seiner Kuh .gp3 771
When The Saints Go Marching In .gp3 2,633
Will The Circle Be Unbroken .gp3 1,846
Wilwood Flowers .gp3 840
Yankee Doodle Dixie .gp3 1,820
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