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Paramore Guitar Pro Tabs

Paramore tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
All I wanted .gp5 3,838
All we know .gp5 1,962
Born for this .gp3 3,257
Breathe .gp3 1,628
Brick by boring brick .gp5 7,895
Brighter .gp5 1,914
Careful .gp5 6,076
Conspiracy .gp5 1,899
Crushcrushcrush .gp5 7,147
Decode .gp5 17,498
Decoy .gp4 2,211
Emergency .gp3 3,249
Feeling sorry .gp5 2,353
Fences .gp5 2,545
For a pessimist I'm pretty optimistic .gp5 3,115
Franklin .gp5 1,091
Hallelujah .gp3 3,466
Hallelujah (live) .gp5 1,970
Here we go again .gp3 1,866
I caught myself .gp5 2,349
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