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Paradise Lost Guitar Pro Tabs

Paradise Lost tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
As I Die .gp3 1,297
As I Die (2) .gp3 917
Disappear .gp3 789
Elusive Cure .gp3 1,320
Embers Fire .gp3 1,125
Enchantment (Intro) .gp3 2,388
Forever Failure .gp3 982
Hallowed Land .gp3 1,249
Mouth .gp3 936
Mouth (Beg. And Chorus Riff) .gp3 745
No Reason .gp3 1,149
Once Solem .gp3 982
Once Solemn .gp3 1,070
Once Solemn (3) .gp3 749
Pray Nightfall .gp3 846
Say Just Words .gp3 1,012
Shades Of God .gp3 786
Shades Of God (2) .gp3 676
Shades Of God (3) .gp3 864
Shadowkings .gp3 630
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