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Nirvana Guitar Pro Tabs

Nirvana tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Lounge Act (4) .gp3 1,429
Love Buzz .gp3 4,820
Marigold .gp3 1,460
Marigold (2) .gp3 1,093
Mexican Seafood .gp3 1,017
Milk It .gp3 1,662
Milk It (Live) .gp3 1,049
Mollys Lips .gp3 1,992
Mr Moustache .gp3 1,519
Mr. Moustache .gp3 894
Negative Creep .gp3 3,119
Negative Creep (2) .gp3 857
Negative Creep (Live Version) .gp3 765
Oh Me .gp3 3,729
Oh The Guilt .gp3 990
On A Plain .gp3 3,193
On A Plain (2) .gp3 900
On A Plain (3) .gp3 619
On A Plain (4) .gp3 624
On A Plain (5) .gp3 1,194
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