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Nightwish Guitar Pro Tabs

Nightwish tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
She Is My Sin (2) .gp3 1,539
She Is My Sin(modified) .gp3 929
Slaying The Dreamer .gp3 1,362
Slaying The Dreamer (2) .gp3 844
Sleeping Sun .gp3 3,402
Sleeping Sun (3) .gp4 1,684
Stargazers .gp3 1,837
Stargazers (2) .gp3 678
Stargazers (3) .gp3 794
Startgazers .gp3 707
Swanheart .gp3 1,138
Tenth Man Down .gp3 742
The Carpenter .gp3 929
The Kinslayer .gp3 2,788
The Kinslayer (2) .gp3 1,340
The Passion & The Opera .gp3 778
The Riddler .gp3 940
Tutankhamen .gp3 873
Walking In The Air .gp3 2,277
Walking In The Air (solo) .gp3 1,956
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