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Muse Guitar Pro Tabs

Muse tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Take a Bow .gp3 3,037
The Gallery .gp3 1,205
The Groove .gp3 2,086
The Small Print .gp4 2,559
Thoughts of a Dying Atheist .gp4 2,859
Time Is Running Out .gp4 27,039
TSP .gp3 1,518
Undisclosed desires .gp5 5,675
Unintended .gp3 5,921
Unintended (original) .gp3 9,613
United States of Eurasia .gp5 3,040
Unnatural selection .gp5 6,480
Uno .gp3 2,295
Uprising .gp5 22,406
Uprising (live) .gp5 3,268
Yes Please .gp3 1,479
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