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Malmsteen, Yngwie Guitar Pro Tabs

Malmsteen, Yngwie tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
2003 .gp4 1,408
5th Symphony .gp4 8,289
Air On A Theme .gp4 2,496
Amberdawn .gp4 3,394
Anguish And Fear .gp3 1,812
Arpeggios From Hell .gp3 9,318
Arpejo 2 .gp3 1,746
As Above So Below (Solo) .gp3 1,747
As Above, So Below .gp3 2,186
As Above, So Below (2) .gp3 1,167
As Above, So Below (3) .gp3 1,093
Asylum .gp3 2,094
Bad Blood .gp3 1,355
Baroque & Roll .gp3 3,369
Bedroom Eyes .gp3 1,564
Bite The Bullet .gp3 1,474
Black Star .gp3 4,374
Black Star (2) .gp3 3,539
Black Star (3) .gp3 1,243
Black Star (4) .gp3 1,083
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