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Lamb Of God Guitar Pro Tabs

Lamb Of God tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
11th hour .gp3 5,703
A warning .gp3 1,447
Again we rise .gp5 4,065
An extra nail for your coffin .gp3 2,345
As the palaces burn .gp3 2,655
Ashes of the wake .gp5 3,978
Beating on death's door .gp3 2,033
Blacken the cursed sun .gp5 8,017
Blood of the scribe .gp4 2,740
Boot scraper .gp3 1,428
Break you .gp3 2,399
Broken hands .gp5 3,696
Choke sermon .gp5 2,822
Condemn the hive .gp5 2,152
Contractor .gp5 2,963
Dead seeds .gp5 4,154
Descending .gp3 3,894
Everything to nothing .gp5 2,515
Faded line .gp3 3,046
Fake messiah .gp5 2,224
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