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Eagles (the) Guitar Pro Tabs

Eagles (the) tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Seven Bridges Road .gp5 2,028
Take It Easy .gp3 8,388
Take It Easy (2) .gp4 5,776
Take It To The Limit .gp3 3,406
Tequila Sunrise (Acoustic Version) .gp3 4,524
Tequila Sunrise (Hell Freezes Over) .gp3 3,557
Tequila Sunrise (Unplugged Version) .gp3 5,463
The One You Love .gp3 1,877
There's a Hole in the World Tonight .gp3 1,047
Wasted Time .gp3 1,738
Witchy Woman .gp3 4,405
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