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Dimmu Borgir Guitar Pro Tabs

Dimmu Borgir tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Inn I Evighetens Mrke (Part 2) .gp3 720
Kings Of The Carnival Creation .gp3 7,877
Masses For The New Messiah .gp3 693
Master Of Disharmony .gp3 813
Metal Heart .gp3 1,742
Metal Heart (2) .gp3 598
Metal Heart (3) .gp3 810
Moonchild Domain .gp3 816
Mourning Palace .gp3 2,552
Puritania .gp3 1,792
Puritania (2) .gp3 882
Puritania (3) .gp3 704
Raabjrn Speiler Draugheims Skodde .gp3 697
Raabjrn Speiler Draugheims Skodde (2) .gp3 655
Raabjorn Speiler Draugheims Skodde .gp3 966
Relinquishment Of Spirit And Flesh .gp3 485
Spellbound (by The Devil) .gp3 3,325
Stien .gp3 594
The Insight And The Catharsis .gp3 1,331
The Night Masquerade .gp3 573
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