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Death Guitar Pro Tabs

Death tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Perennial Quest (Fade Out) .gp3 641
Pull The Plug .gp3 2,477
Pull The Plug (2) .gp3 1,304
Sacred Serenity .gp3 1,732
Sacrificial .gp4 1,012
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow .gp3 2,304
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow (2) .gp3 1,061
Scream Bloody Gore .gp4 1,090
Spirit Crusher .gp3 4,068
Spirit Crusher (2) .gp3 2,677
Story To Tell .gp3 2,078
Symbolic .gp3 2,954
Symbolic (2) .gp3 1,818
Symbolic (3) .gp3 4,406
Symbolic (4) .gp3 1,052
The Philosopher .gp3 1,917
The Philosopher (2) .gp3 2,456
The Philosopher (3) .gp3 597
The Philosopher (4) .gp3 1,110
The Philosopher (5) .gp4 1,286
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