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Coheed And Cambria Guitar Pro Tabs

Coheed And Cambria tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
2113 .gp5 721
33 .gp3 546
A favor house atlantic .gp4 1,349
Al the killer (acoustic) .gp3 934
Always and never .gp5 969
Apollo I: the writing writer .gp5 778
Blood red summer .gp5 922
Crossing the frame .gp5 707
Cuts marked in the march of men .gp4 651
Devil in Jersey City .gp3 753
Elf Tower New Mexico .gp5 656
Everything evil .gp3 888
Faint of heart (acoustic) .gp3 1,613
Feathers .gp5 1,318
God send conspirator .gp4 790
Gravemakers and gunslingers .gp5 849
Hearshot kid disaster .gp3 510
Here we are juggernaut .gp5 877
In keeping secrets of silent earth: 3 .gp4 1,085
Iro bot .gp4 461
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