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Bach Guitar Pro Tabs

Bach tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Ach Gott Wie Manches Herzeleid .gp3 3,585
Ach Wie Fluchtig .gp3 2,873
Air .gp4 16,702
Air On A G String V1 .gp3 10,275
Air On A G String V2 .gp3 5,181
Air On A G String V3 .gp4 4,808
Air On A G String V4 .gp3 13,347
All Solch Dein Gut Wir Preisen .gp3 2,076
Allegro Third Movement .gp3 2,881
Allegro V1 .gp3 3,728
Allegro V2 .gp3 2,150
Allemande In A Minor .gp3 4,256
Andante .gp3 3,994
Aria From Cantata 41 .gp3 2,751
Auf Meinen Lieben Gott .gp3 2,401
Ave Maria .gp3 13,063
Ave Maria Acoustic .gp3 14,426
Ayre Suite No 3 .gp3 1,688
Bach Suite .gp4 6,829
Badinerie .gp3 7,458
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