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Anonymous Guitar Pro Tabs

Anonymous tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Alecrim .gp3 1,419
Caballeria Song .gp3 1,293
Cancao .gp3 1,096
Czech Medley .gp4 1,007
Duelling Banjos .gp3 1,875
Feed The Dragon .gp3 1,066
Flamenco Study .gp3 3,627
Greensleeves V1 .gp3 3,836
Greensleeves V2 .gp3 3,160
If Youre Happy And You Know It .gp3 1,719
Lamento Di Tristan .gp3 1,318
Nihavend Longa .gp3 1,050
Packingtons Pound .gp3 1,051
Romance V1 .gp3 3,567
Romance V2 .gp4 4,400
Saltarello .gp3 1,747
Spanish Ballad .gp3 3,696
Spanish Study .gp3 2,135
Tarrantella .gp4 973
Turkey In The Straw .gp3 1,303
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