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Acdc Guitar Pro Tabs

Acdc tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Shot Down In Flames .gp3 4,545
Sin City V1 .gp3 3,355
Sin City V2 .gp3 2,561
Stiff Upper Lip .gp3 5,416
Stiff Upper Lip Intro .gp3 3,247
Stiff Upper Lip Solo V1 .gp3 2,322
Stiff Upper Lip Solo V2 .gp3 1,887
The Furor .gp3 2,902
The Jack V1 .gp3 7,865
The Jack V2 .gp3 5,464
The Razors Edge .gp3 4,801
Thunderstruck Techno Remix .gp3 3,173
Thunderstruck V1 .gp3 39,617
Thunderstruck V2 .gp3 4,711
Thunderstruck V3 .gp3 6,925
Tnt Solo .gp3 18,421
Tnt V1 .gp3 23,129
Tnt V2 .gp3 7,005
Touch Too Much .gp3 7,234
Who Made Who V1 .gp3 4,586
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