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Traditional Guitar Pro Tabs

Traditional tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
A Casinha Pequenina .gp3 1,456
A Londonderry Air .gp3 1,738
Amazing Grace .gp4 9,681
Auld Lang Syne .gp3 2,959
Aura Lee .gp3 2,011
Caffee .gp3 1,009
Chicken Reel .gp3 1,639
Drunken Sailor .gp3 2,634
El Condor Pasa .gp3 7,491
Greensleeves .gp3 5,191
Greensleeves (2) .gp3 2,005
Greensleeves (3) .gp3 1,884
Greensleeves (4) .gp3 16,638
Jesse James .gp3 1,145
Kuckuck .gp3 1,168
La Cucaracha .gp3 3,553
Le Vin .gp3 602
Little Drummer Boy .gp3 2,343
March (2) .gp3 676
Nashville Blues .gp3 1,377
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