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Sonata Arctica Guitar Pro Tabs

Sonata Arctica tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
My Land .gp3 1,260
My Land (2) .gp4 797
Peacemaker .gp3 1,026
Replica .gp3 3,304
Replica (intro) .gp3 6,252
Revontulet .gp4 737
Revontulet (2) .gp3 527
San Sebastian .gp3 1,544
Shy .gp3 2,952
Still Loving You .gp3 2,822
The Cage .gp3 1,161
The Misery .gp3 1,471
The Power Of One .gp4 898
Unopened .gp3 607
Unopened (2) .gp3 505
Weballergy .gp3 768
Weballergy (2) .gp4 537
Wolf And Raven .gp3 2,446
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