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Rock Licks Guitar Pro Tabs

Rock Licks tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
7 Exercises Am .gp3 7,663
Bass Riff 2 .gp3 3,381
Bass Riff 3 .gp3 1,832
Bass Riff 5 .gp3 2,374
Bass Riff 6 .gp3 1,881
Chuck Berry Style 1 .gp3 6,041
Chuck Berry Style 2 .gp3 2,928
Chuck Berry Style 3 .gp3 3,950
Fast Picking .gp3 3,796
Hard Guitar Solo .gp4 7,897
Hardcore Slape Bass. .gp3 1,540
Heavy Metal Licks .gp3 9,441
Heavy Metal Riffs For Guitar .gp3 7,840
Improvisation .gp3 3,966
Johnny Winter Style Solo .gp3 3,463
Learn Ska Guitar .gp3 1,422
Legato Speed Techniques .gp3 3,363
Legato Speed Techniques (3) .gp4 3,018
Major Pentatonic Licks .gp3 6,583
Motown Studios Style .gp4 1,741
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