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Primus Guitar Pro Tabs

Primus tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Antipop .gp3 1,163
Buckethead .gp3 2,695
Coddingtown .gp3 660
De Anza Jig .gp3 733
De Anza Jig (2) .gp3 611
DMV .gp3 1,184
Electric Uncle Sam .gp3 1,088
Fish On (bass Intro) .gp3 1,030
Fish On Intro .gp3 753
Golden Boy (Intro) .gp3 1,439
Here Come The Bastard .gp3 947
Here Come The Bastards .gp3 1,064
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver .gp3 2,676
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver (Bass Intro) .gp3 2,653
John The Fisherman .gp3 4,439
Laquer Head .gp3 1,017
Laquerhead .gp3 783
Master Of Puppets .gp3 2,274
MRS. Blaileen .gp3 666
My Name Is Mud .gp3 2,133
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