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Paramore Guitar Pro Tabs

Paramore tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Ignorance .gp5 25,955
Let the flames begin .gp3 2,035
Let the flames begin (live) .gp5 1,640
Let this go .gp3 975
Looking up .gp5 2,543
Miracle .gp3 1,620
Misery business .gp5 12,273
Misguided ghosts .gp5 3,904
My heart .gp5 7,151
Never let this go .gp5 1,582
Playing god .gp5 7,990
Pressure (acoustic) .gp5 2,971
Stop this song .gp5 1,208
That's what you get .gp3 6,962
The only exception .gp5 11,560
This circle .gp5 964
Turn it off .gp5 1,975
Until tomorrow .gp5 978
We are broken .gp5 1,904
When it rains .gp5 2,623
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