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Guns N Roses Guitar Pro Tabs

Guns N Roses tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Knockin On Heavens Door (Live Version) .gp3 8,938
Knocking On Heavens Door .gp3 85,121
Live And Let Die .gp3 8,163
Live And Let Die (2) .gp3 1,947
Live And Let Die (3) .gp3 2,253
Locamotive (Complicity) All Tracks .gp3 1,582
Locomotive (Complicity) .gp3 3,074
Locomotive (Complicity) (2) .gp3 1,677
Madagascar .gp3 2,158
Madagascar (2) .gp3 1,446
Madagascar (3) .gp3 894
Madagascar (4) .gp3 1,318
Mama Kin .gp3 3,490
Move To The City .gp4 2,444
Mr Brownstone .gp3 7,302
Mr Brownstone (2) .gp3 2,636
Mr. Brownstone .gp3 2,474
My Michelle .gp3 7,326
My Michelle (2) .gp3 2,976
New Rose .gp3 1,645
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