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Bullet For My Valentine Guitar Pro Tabs

Bullet For My Valentine tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
10 years today .gp3 3,245
All these things I hate revolve around me .gp4 9,402
Ashes of the innocent .gp5 2,380
Begging for mercy .gp4 3,573
Crazy train (intro) .gp5 7,168
Cries in vain .gp3 2,829
Curses .gp5 3,907
Deliver us from evil .gp5 5,165
Disappearing boy (version 2) .gp5 1,629
End of days .gp5 2,765
Eye of the storm .gp5 3,126
Forever and always .gp5 4,699
Four words to choke upon .gp3 3,338
Hand of blood .gp5 9,796
Hearts burst into fire .gp5 12,223
Her voice resides .gp5 2,281
Hit the floor .gp5 3,126
Just another star .gp4 1,992
Last to know .gp5 2,522
My fist your mouth her scars .gp3 1,836
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