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Avenged Sevenfold Guitar Pro Tabs

Avenged Sevenfold tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Desecrate through reverance .gp3 2,088
Eternal rest .gp4 2,457
Forgotten faces .gp3 1,421
Gunslinger .gp5 12,612
I won't see you tonight (part 1) .gp3 5,266
I won't see you tonight (part 2) .gp3 2,290
Lips of deceit .gp5 1,811
Lips Of Deceit V1 .gp3 1,552
Lips Of Deceit V2 .gp3 1,403
Lost .gp5 7,518
M.I.A. .gp4 10,614
Medley .gp5 1,412
Missing in action .gp3 1,361
Radiant eclipse .gp3 1,850
Remenissions .gp3 2,360
Scream .gp5 9,834
Second Heartbeat .gp4 10,739
Seize the day .gp5 21,402
Shattered by broken dreams .gp3 2,398
Sidewinder .gp5 5,268
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