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Alisa Guitar Pro Tabs

Alisa tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Aerobika V1 .gp3 745
Aerobika V2 .gp3 644
Belaya Nevesta V1 .gp3 811
Belaya Nevesta V2 .gp3 830
Chernaya Mama .gp3 666
Gibel .gp3 710
Jgi Gulyai .gp3 755
Krasnoe Na Chernom .gp3 700
Mama .gp3 782
Paskuda .gp3 644
Pasynok Zvezd .gp3 632
Plach .gp3 774
Smert .gp3 697
Smutnye Dni .gp3 656
Solntse Vstaet .gp3 728
Solntse Za Nas .gp3 640
Spokoinaia Noch .gp3 607
Teatr Teney .gp3 680
Trassa E 95 .gp3 696
Umeret Molodym .gp3 643
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