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Sublime Guitar Pro Tabs

Sublime tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
April 29, 1992 (Miami) .gp3 1,451
Caress Me Down .gp3 1,739
Date Rape .gp3 3,085
Falling Idols .gp3 878
Right Back .gp3 1,179
Same In The End .gp3 1,447
Santeria .gp3 6,287
Santeria (2) .gp3 2,126
Santeria (3) .gp3 12,143
Santeria (4) .gp3 2,706
Seed .gp3 1,299
Superstar Punani .gp3 978
What I Got .gp3 4,402
Wrong Way .gp3 2,450
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