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Pastorius, Jaco Guitar Pro Tabs

Pastorius, Jaco tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Blackbird .gp3 2,627
Chromatic Fantasy (bass) .gp3 2,648
Come On Come Over .gp3 2,266
Come On, Come Over .gp3 1,339
Come On, Come Over (2) .gp3 1,745
Continuum .gp3 2,039
Donna Lee .gp3 3,143
Donna Lee Dream Band .gp3 1,036
Dry Cleaner From Des Moines .gp3 1,285
Havona .gp3 1,809
Portait Of Tracy .gp3 2,390
Slang (Solo Live) .gp3 1,480
Teentown .gp3 11,947
The Chicken .gp3 7,117
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