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Muse Guitar Pro Tabs

Muse tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Citizen Erased (Playable Version) .gp3 3,587
City of Delusion .gp3 7,422
Collateral damage .gp5 1,639
Coma .gp3 1,306
Crying Shame .gp3 3,120
Dark Shines .gp3 3,965
Dead Star .gp3 3,834
Dead Star (2) .gp3 2,704
Deadstar .gp3 2,876
Des .gp4 2,376
Do we need this .gp5 1,339
Dracula mountain .gp5 1,217
Easily .gp3 3,698
Endlessly .gp4 3,995
Endlessly (Acoustic) .gp5 696
Escape (1) .gp5 1,221
Escape (2) .gp3 3,063
Escape (live) .gp5 902
Eternally Missed .gp4 2,949
Exo-Politics .gp3 9,879
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