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Korn Guitar Pro Tabs

Korn tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
PrEdIcTaBlE (2) .gp3 415
Pretty .gp3 535
Pretty (2) .gp3 461
Proud .gp3 501
Shoots And Ladders .gp3 821
Shoots And Ladders (2) .gp3 518
Somebody Someone .gp3 1,150
Somebody Someone (2) .gp3 520
Somebody Someone (3) .gp3 466
Somebody Someone (4) .gp3 444
Somebody Someone (5) .gp3 567
Somebody Someone (6) .gp3 456
Somebody Someone (7 String Version) .gp3 631
Somebody Someone (7) .gp3 429
Someboy Someone .gp3 771
System .gp3 863
Thoughtless .gp3 1,484
Thoughtless (2) .gp3 618
Thoughtless (3) .gp3 466
Thoughtless (4) .gp3 446
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