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Knopfler, Mark Guitar Pro Tabs

Knopfler, Mark tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Baloney Again .gp3 1,473
Baloney Again(live) .gp3 1,169
Darling Pretty .gp3 1,941
Golden Heart .gp3 2,281
Hill Farmer Blues .gp3 2,380
Marbletown .gp4 2,552
Praire Wedding .gp3 1,035
Sailing To Philadelphia .gp3 4,019
Sands Of Nevada .gp3 1,071
Tears (2) .gp3 1,099
What It Is (2) .gp3 2,759
Why Aye Man .gp3 2,257
Wiild Mountain Thyme .gp3 1,340
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