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Ed Sheeran Guitar Pro Tabs

Ed Sheeran tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
All of the stars .gp5 1,328
Autumn leaves .gp5 1,140
Bloodstream .gpx 882
Give me love .gpx 1,240
I see fire .gpx 6,907
Lego house .gpx 1,084
One .gp5 765
Photograph .gp5 12,890
Sing .gp5 2,468
Small bump .gpx 1,389
Take it back .gpx 1,084
Tenerife sea .gpx 2,057
The A team .gp5 4,290
Thinking out loud .gp5 16,050
Thinking out loud solo .gpx 6,898
Where we land .gpx 1,313
Yellow pages .gp5 2,172
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