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Sentenced Guitar Pro Tabs

Sentenced tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Aika Multaa Muistot (Everything Is Nothing) .gp3 1,055
Bleed .gp3 956
Bleed In My Arms .gp3 811
Cross My Heart And Hope To Die .gp3 1,398
Dead Moon Rising .gp3 753
Farewell .gp3 734
Farewell (2) .gp3 472
Fragile .gp3 880
Home In Despair .gp3 710
Killing Me, Killing You .gp3 6,637
Konevitsan Kirkonkellot .gp3 836
Mourn .gp3 5,256
Nepenthe .gp3 1,087
Nepenthe (2) .gp3 724
Nephente .gp4 578
Neverlasting .gp3 1,001
Neverlasting (2) .gp3 720
No One There .gp3 705
No One There (2) .gp4 600
Noose .gp3 908
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