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Petrucci, John Guitar Pro Tabs

Petrucci, John tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Etude In A Minor, Opus 10, No. 2 .gp3 3,139
Exercice .gp3 2,351
Hollow Years .gp3 2,580
Inside Picking .gp3 2,564
Necrominicon (Epilogue) .gp3 1,172
Necrominicon (Epilogue) (2) .gp3 887
Rock Discipline Left And Right Hand.gp4 .gp4 2,602
Rock Disipline Left Hand Warm Up Streches .gp3 1,614
Speed And Tehnique .gp3 1,960
Tarantelle .gp3 1,591
The Legato Technique .gp3 2,734
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