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Gilbert, Paul Guitar Pro Tabs

Gilbert, Paul tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
8 Bar Blues Lick .gp3 9,480
Down To Mexico From IntenseRock2 .gp3 5,282
Ears And Ayyyeeeeees .gp3 1,331
Excersize .gp3 1,967
Gilberto Concerto .gp3 2,340
Guitar Sequences .gp3 1,956
Guitar Solo (Tokyo 99) .gp3 3,747
Lancelot Link .gp3 1,148
Licks From Paul Gilbert .gp4 4,622
Paul Gilbert Lesson .gp3 3,906
Paul Gilbert Lesson .gp3 3,511
Paul Gilbert Lesson 2 .gp3 1,469
Six Billion People .gp3 2,047
The Four Seasons (2) .gp3 2,090
Trans Pseudo Psycho Rhythmic Phenomena .gp3 1,323
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