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Dark Tranquillity Guitar Pro Tabs

Dark Tranquillity tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Away.Delight,Away .gp3 946
Cathode Ray Sunshine .gp3 1,213
Damage Done .gp3 3,114
Fabric .gp3 755
Lethe (3) .gp3 1,467
Midway Through Infinity .gp3 799
Monochromatic Stains .gp3 832
Monochromatic Stains (2) .gp3 857
Punish My Heaven (2) .gp3 1,475
The Sun Fired Blanks .gp3 950
The Wonders At Your Feet .gp3 931
Tidal Tantrum .gp3 866
Undo Control .gp3 1,163
Zodijackyl Light .gp3 877
Zodijackyl Light (2) .gp3 691
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