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Collective Soul Guitar Pro Tabs

Collective Soul tabs @ 911Tabs

Song Version # Downloads
Blame .gp3 1,119
Colective Soul Forgiveness .gp3 1,509
December .gp3 1,984
December (2) .gp4 1,286
Forgiveness .gp4 1,186
Goodnight Good Guy .gp3 788
Heavy .gp3 3,318
Listen .gp3 979
Run (Live) .gp3 1,100
Shine .gp3 5,057
Shine (2) .gp3 2,616
Shine (solo) .gp3 19,439
Souls Needs .gp3 886
Spit Me Out .gp3 1,607
The World I Know .gp3 2,379
The World I Know (live) .gp3 857
Where The River Flows .gp3 1,161
Where The Rivers Flows .gp4 922
Why Pt.2 .gp3 1,603
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